People used stories to teach moral lessons long before words were printed on a page. Believe it or not, storytelling is a powerful way to shape your child’s perspective. You, as a parent, are the amazing author. Children can easily identify with the characters of a story, especially in real-life scenarios.
Stories can help children develop a perspective for where they fit into the world around them. They can help children see beyond themselves as well as understand certain complex truths. There are family stories that can give them a healthy perspective about their identity. Cultural stories can help them to gain a deeper understanding about the "other side of the world" and how they fit into the world in general. Stories can help children to develop empathy for others who are less fortunate. Stories from religious texts and classical mythology can help them see the difference between "good" and "evil." The list goes on and on and is limited only by your own imagination.
Many children with ADHD are quite creative and imaginative and respond well to storytelling. By telling stories to our children, we teach them values that hopefully will guide them the rest of their lives. Make a difference in your children’s lives today through storytelling!